
Creator Community

by Rev. Kenneth Molyneaux
In order for our great religion of Creativity to grow, we must unite and work together. I can think of no better way to achieve this than creating a Creator Community near WCOTC Headquarters in Illinois. By setting up a Creator Community we will be able to sustain a first rate attack of Creativity that is unprecedented in the history of our beloved creed.
All that is required for this tremendously productive project to come to fruition is a few dedicated Creators who are willing to contribute to making this a Whiter, Brighter World. Of course, to make this community a fact, we need Creators who are willing to move to Illinois.
There are several ways a Creator can help build this monumental Creator Community. Most obviously is the issue of money in order to purchase land and a building suitable to the purposes of setting up the community. Every dollar puts us one step closer towards achieving this goal. Even if one can’t move to Illinois, then one can still help by donating to our Great Church.
We also need some adventurous Creators who are willing to devote themselves fully to the splendid banner of Creativity and move to Illinois. Just as our ancestors who faced persecution in Europe came to America, we must transplant ourselves in the hopes of achieving a better life for ourselves and our people. I cannot think of a better place to live than with my fellow Creators!
A good site for our Creator Community must have some land in order that we can become mostly self sufficient by farming. Since we don’t have unlimited funds, an old apartment building would be good to purchase as we can fix it up and thus save money.
This leads to another requirement of the Creator Community. We will require some Creators who, having already moved to the community, will manage the chores of the community. Some tasks that will undoubtedly be required are farming, managing affairs, security, and activity coordination.
The benefits of the Creator Community will be plentiful. The first and most obvious benefit is that like minded White Racial Comrades will be joined together which will improve morale. I am sure that many Creators have been persecuted where they live but that persecution will disappear when in the company of fellow Creators.
With a Creator Community in place, we will be able to step up our activies of spreading Creativity to an unheard of scale. Our presence in Illinois will allow us to virtually conquer the state. We already have a strong presence in Illinois with the great work P.M. Hale has done and we will gain momentum when the Creator Community is formed.
I greatly look forward to the day when the Creator Community is formed. This great step forward will help our Church tremendously so I urge everyone to help create this paradise by either helping financially, moving to Illinois, or helping with the maintenance when the community is formed. Everyone interested in helping, contact P.M. Hale or myself ( RAHOWA MY WHITE RACIAL COMRADES! 

Benefits of Public Access

by Rev. Kenneth Molyneaux
Of the many ways to reach the masses with our positive, dynamic, and healthy religion of Creativity, television would be, by far, the best. Television reaches a large audience that far exceeds the ability of anyone distributing fliers. Television reaches millions nationally and thousands locally. As our Church does not own a national television station, local public access television is the next best thing.
Public Access television is available through cable companies throughout the country and it is free to air your show. Most cities, by law, must have Public Access television and they are not permitted to censor you. Therefore, we Creators should take advantage of this golden opportunity by either making your own show or using some that the Church produces.
I was amazed at how easy it was to actually start a show on Public Access. All I had to do was call my local cable company and request a Public Access kit. Once I received the kit, I filled out the forms and was scheduled in about two months. Once you have a time slot, you will continue to hold it as long as you can keep supplying videos.
In my area of Akron, Ohio, they have a service available where you don’t even have to own the video equipment. The video equipment is free to use if you don’t have a video camera or can’t afford one. All that is required is to get scheduled and provide the actual video tapes which are very inexpensive(around a dollar or two).
I decided to purchase a video camera in order to be in control of when I wanted to tape my show. Realizing that I didn’t need a first rate camera(nor did I have the money to buy one), I hunted around and was able to find a good 8mm video camera under $300. I also had to purchase some 8mm tapes and video tapes but they are inexpensive.
Once my show was premiered, I was surprised to find that it had caused quite a stir among the media which brought attention to our beloved Church. The media, of course, smeared the Church with inaccurate reports but people became aware that we existed and I received positive response from our White Racial Comrades. This attention generated by public access in my area can easily be duplicated by Creators around the globe.
It is clear to me that Public Access television needs to be utilized by Creators in order to further spread Creativity. Virtually anyone can do it and the attention it will attract is great for the Church. Anyone concerned about being unable to produce their own show or appearing on a show can simply use the shows put out by the Church. Since we don’t have the ability, at this time, to have a show air nationally, we can air many shows on a local basis which will reach thousands. Therefore, I urge all Creators to explore this avenue and spread Creativity to the masses by way of Public Access television. RAHOWA MY WHITE RACIAL COMRADES!

Creator Enterprises

by Rev. Kenneth Molyneaux
In order to move closer towards a Whiter, Brighter World, we need to become enterprising Whites. By starting our own businesses and making our own products, we can destroy the Jewish stranglehold on the finances. The majority of things we buy are not produced by our White Brothers and Sisters nor does the money we spend go to our comrades. This is a situation that can, and must, be changed in order to further our Race's aims.
Those members of our Race that are loaded with creative talent should use this ability productively. There are a whole host of possibilities from clothing to fresh produce. We can start on a low scale as well so that we do not need a large amount of capital to manufacture our products. Some Creators have already produced things and I hope that more do so in the future. There is no limit to the possibilities and perhaps a catalog listing all the items we offer, will be available in the future. By trading among ourselves, we keep our money flowing between us with the slimy Jew unable to steal our hard earned funds.
For those comrades who have the ability, business skill, and means to do so, I would highly recommend starting a business. Our great founder, Ben Klassen, wisely advised to start working in a business that one enjoyed in order to learn and see how things worked. With this knowledge, one will be prepared when starting a business. Our own companies would be very valuable to our people in providing jobs, offering goods, and offering camaraderie while sustaining our people. Some advisable enterprises would be printing shops to print our literature(from fliers to novels), music companies to produce White music, and television stations to broadcast our message. Of course, these are but a few ideas of what is possible as there are many more that would be productive and profitable. RAHOWA! 

What Rights?

by Rev. Kenneth Molyneaux
On a cloudy day in Northern Ohio, Brother Brian Weaver and I decided to spread the great creed of Creativity by spreading fliers out at a local mall. The warm July afternoon was well suited for our crusade. Quickly we went about our business by placing hundreds of fliers on the windshields of the cars in the parking lot.
About a half hour into our distribution, we were harassed by security (Akron police officers) who demanded that we remove the fliers we had just spread. Knowing our rights to spread literature are guaranteed under the constitution, we declined the officer's request and exercised our right to silence by proclaiming, "I have nothing to say."
The officers trampled our rights and threw handcuffs on us while they escorted us to a detention area. We would not entertain the officers with answers to their questions and kept our cool even when one particularly offensive officer made homosexual comments. The officers even commented that the Church was a gang as we were both wearing Church shirts (by this logic, all the police officers would be considered gang members as they were wearing similar uniforms) and that they hoped we would get a Jewish judge for our trial. The officers contemplated the charges against us and decided not to try for hate crime charges. We were charged with criminal trespassing and littering.
After about an hour wait, we were finally taken down to the jail. Our time in jail was an educational one as we observed first hand niggers in their environment. There were Whites present-as police officers, that is. Some of the police officers were aware of the bogus situation and helped us by situating the two of us in a cell away from the growing swarm of filth. After spending most of the day and part of the night in custody of the police, we were finally released.
Several weeks later, on August 22nd, we attended the pre- trial in the hopes of having the bogus charges dropped but this wasn't to be. We were assigned a mud lawyer who knew very little about law and turned out to be an intern. We were offered five days of community service if we plead "no contest" but we knew we hadn't committed any crimes and rejected the offer. We chose a trial by jury that was scheduled for August 30th.
A day before the trial, the lawyers(we had gotten a second lawyer who was Jewish) informed me that they wanted more time to prepare a motion to dismiss the charges as the prosecutor had changed the littering code violation. I had no problem with this but there was a misunderstanding between the Jewish lawyer and Brother Weaver. The Jew deceived Brother Weaver and he was unable to make the trip from New York to Ohio in order to attend the trial.
The trial didn't take place on August 30th, however, as the continuance was granted and the trial was rescheduled for September 13th. As he hadn't signed a simple piece of paper in the court room, a warrant was issued for Brother Weaver's arrest as he hadn't made the 7 hour trip to stay in a court room for several minutes.
On September 13th, the trial finally took place as I had mud all around me. I had a mud lawyer, a Jewish lawyer, and there was a Jewish judge. In addition to this, vital evidence was denied by the judge. The constitutionality of the issue with Supreme Court cases supporting the right to distribute literature was not allowed to be presented to the jury. Also, evidence showing that no one had ever been convicted of violating the flier ordinance I was charged with, was denied.
Despite this, I was confident of victory as the prosecution had not proved that I had committed any crimes. In order to be found guilty of littering, one must be shown to have done so recklessly and this was never even mentioned in any testimonies. The trespassing charge was similar as no one had ever asked us to leave and anyone is allowed at a public place like a mall.
I hadn't seen any point in taking the stand myself so I refrained from doing so and let the prosecution try and prove me guilty. The jury itself consisted of 7 Whites and one nigger which took approximately 30 minutes to deliberate my fate.
I was asked to rise as my verdict was pronounced and did so. With my head held high, I received the absurd ruling of guilty on both charges. Sentencing commenced shortly thereafter and I was handed the maximum penalty possible-90 days in jail with a $750 fine. Two days of the jail time were suspended as I had spent a day in jail when I was arrested and since there were two charges, it came to two days. With court costs, the fine came to $1157.
While I cannot say that I was surprised by the ruling, I was disappointed as I had hoped that at least one decent person would have sat on the jury. I am, of course, appealing the decision and hope to get it overturned. If this isn't possible, I hope to learn from the whole experience and hope that the trial's outcome has opened people's eyes to the decaying system around us.
Come what may, the mighty juggernaut that is Creativity will continue on its unstoppable path. Our White Racial Comrades will continue to make this is Whiter, Brighter world no matter what obstacles stand in our way. I deeply thank all those who have expressed their sympathies to me concerning this miscarriage of justice. Any further assistance would be greatly appreciated. RAHOWA!

Smith Scholarship

by Rev. Kenneth Molyneaux
Although times are difficult for some in this world, there are those among our people that, despite the struggles, are dedicated to building a Whiter, Brighter World. One such comrade is Eric Owens. This White Racial Comrade is generously offering a scholarship of $400 to an outstanding White college student. In tribute to our fallen martyr Benjamin Smith, this award shall be known as the Smith Scholarship.
Brother Owens plans on giving this award out on a yearly basis and hopefully each year it will be larger and larger. I think this is an extremely great opportunity to show that we Creators are interested in spurring on learning and hope that everyone can experience the intense feeling of pride and well-being by donating to this worthy cause. I am very excited by this scholarship and the $400 mark it currently stands at is not set in stone so everyone should feel free to donate to it.
I call upon the best and brightest of our folk to come forward and apply for this award. White college students of our great race are being offered a unique award in the history of our movement. To my knowledge, this is the only scholarship ever specifically designed for intelligent White Racial Comrades who are dedicating their lives to our grand people. This money can surely help further our intellectual growth and I look forward to the Smith Scholarship being awarded. The deadline for this award is March 1, 28AC so it is imperative to apply as soon as possible.

In order to apply the following information is required:

  • A Copy of your Current Student ID

  • Official Transcript, or report card which proves current GPA

  • Personal references that prove you are a legitimate White activist

  • A Photo

  • Send this information to:

    Eric Owens
    P.O. Box 921516
    Sylmar, CA 91392
    This is a wonderful event for our movement as it shows our pursuit of excellence and rewards those brilliant activists among our race. I look forward to more, similarly designed programs to promote intelligence and racial loyalty. Ben Klassen's dream of the White Superman will come to fruition all the faster with stupendous efforts like these. RAHOWA!

    Rev. Hale: The Super-Creator

    by Rev. Kenneth Molyneaux
    I am truly honored to be named a Creator of the Year by the most prestigious and noble White racialist organization on Earth--the World Church of the Creator. The Church has the best creed out there to ensure not only our survival, but also our expansion and advancement. Its noble teachings are to be praised by all White comrades and to be given an award by such people and such a creed, is truly an event to remember. I therefore thank the Church for this marvelous distinction.
    To be mentioned alongside our ardent Creator brothers like Brother Bash and Brother Davis makes me feel like I am truly making a difference in this world. Being aware of the deeds of these comrades puts me in good company indeed. I look forward to many more Creators competing for this noble award with the result being that future Creator of the Year winners will have longer and longer lists of achievement.
    I will continue to do my part in spreading Creativity and know this year will be a productive one for myself and the Church. I will spread the word to enlighten our people and write more so that our kin will have the opportunity to read the White Man's words, instead of perverted Jewish "literature". I hope that everyone in the Church, as well as our supporters, will do more than this year than they have ever done before.
    As much as each and every Creator has done, there is one man who has done far more than anyone else in the past few years to spread Creativity. He does not get the accolade he deserves for his valiant struggles to spread truth and wisdom. Only our genius of a founder, Ben Klassen, has done more for the world, but unfortunately, Klassen is no longer alive to see this crusader. Of course the man that I speak of is a heroic zealot and the Pontifex Maximus of the World Church of the Creator--Rev. Matt Hale.
    Although he has gone through many struggles in his life, I think the most difficult would have to be the denial of his law license. He diligently worked many years going through college and passed his bar exam, only to be told he was "unfit" to be a lawyer. This assault on his rights did not force him to fold, but rather he has used it to the benefit of the Church through the numerous media opportunities it has created. He has continued his crusade to get his law license and I am quite sure that he will soon become a lawyer and defend our White comrades who face vile Jewish oppression.
    The public access shows called White Revolution have been produced by Rev. Hale and have been very successful. Whereever they air, they cause a stir, which results in media attention for the Church. This attention brings much more publicity than the show itself would have brought on public access. This means of spreading the word is quite effective, especially since they have aired across the country. I am sure that White Revolution will keep growing in popularity as more dedicated Creators get them on the air.
    Throughout the years, Rev. Hale has given many interviews and has appeared on many forms of the media--magazines, newspaper, radio, and television, to name a few. Regardless of the smears he is forced to endure, he constantly looks to take full advantage of the media. I can personally attest to the fact that when our message gets spread to the masses, such as a television show, that we receive positive response. For example, the Jerry Springer show recently aired in Sweden and South Africa. I talked to White comrades who agreed with what Rev. Hale said and wouldn't have known about us if it weren't for that Jewish television show. So obviously any publicity can be used to our advantage.
    Above and beyond other organizations, Rev. Hale has began a trek to reach the masses by communicating with them through public speeches. I know of no other White activist that can say they do this. At times facing angry mobs, Rev. Hale shows no fear as he brings our enlightening principles to the people. I have had the good fortune to attend a couple of these speeches and have seen first hand how productive this form of activism is.
    Since Rev. Hale has never won a Creator of the Year award, I think it is fitting to deem him a Super-Creator. His accomplishments far exceed the combined deeds of all the Creators who have won awards in the Church so I think it is a suitable name for him. His wondrous actions are sure to continue and this role model will undoubtedly provide inspiration for us all. I look forward to the day when our ranks swell with Super-Creators and we win our glorious White victory! RAHOWA!